TacBoard for Reunions

Seamless collect and share old photos from the past as well as new one from the reunion.

Get TacBoard Now

Set up TacBoard for your reunion and easily collect old photos from classmates all in one place before your event, then have them streaming at the reunion. Guests will absolutely love seeing all the pics from the past that they never knew existed.

Seamless Collaboration

TacBoard Corporate Events Signs

Simply share your TacBoard phone number with guests beforehand and they can effortlessly text in pics of old photos they have, allowing you to easily collect hundreds of photos in one place.

Start the party off right

TacBoard Corporate Events Signs

Have old photos already streaming on your TacBoard Live Stream when the party starts.

Ask and You Shall Receive

TacBoard Reunions Signs

Place some signs around at the event space asking guests to take selfies and text them to your TacBoard number.

Make Photo Fun

TacBoard Reunions Photo Sign

Make a photo station with fun props and a sign asking guests to snap some fun pics and text them to your TacBoard phone number.

A blast form the past

TacBoard Corporate Events Signs

Your guests will absolutely love seeing all the old photos shared by other guests that they never even knew existed. It is a wonderful, fun and joyous experience.

For Everyones' Enjoyment

TacBoard Reunion Photo Gallery

Additionally, you can seamlessly collect hundreds of photos from the reunion, all in one place for everyone to enjoy browsing after the reunion.

Everyone's Included

TacBoard Reunion Photo Gallery

Guests that can attend the reunion in person will be able to view your TacBoard Live Stream as well as send in their own photos from anywhere in the country.

Sign up and get TacBoard for your your reunion!

Ready For Fun?

Sign Up!